Iowa JNC


In Iowa, constitutionally independent judicial nominating commissions select nominees from a pool of applicants to fill judicial vacancies. Nominees are selected based on merit, and their names are forwarded to the appropriate appointing authority, often the governor. Iowa began using the “Merit Selection” process after voters approved an amendment to the Iowa Constitution in the 1962 general election.


Types of Commissions

There are two types of commissions for selecting judges and a third for selecting district associate judges and magistrates. The State Judicial Nominating Commission nominates justices for Iowa Supreme Court vacancies and judges for Iowa Court of Appeals vacancies. The 14 District Judicial Nominating Commissions nominate judges for the state’s district courts. The 99 Magistrate Appointing Commissions nominate magistrates.


Current Judicial Vacancies

Currently, there are judicial vacancies in District 5.


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