Iowa JNC


Iowa Judicial Nominating Committee Statement

Thank you for visiting our website. The Iowa Judicial Branch provides you with this privacy statement to:

  • Disclose the information gathering and dissemination practices for this website.
  • Inform you of the public nature of our online records data as well as the steps for correcting any errors.

Website Visitor Information

Our website server automatically gathers and stores your Internet domain and IP number as well as the type of browser and operating system you use to access our website. Our website server counts the number of times visitors view a page, but this information does not personally identify visitors.  
We collect this information to make our website more useful to visitors. Our web provider, Global Reach, uses the IP address and domain name to diagnose problems with the server; to keep our website running smoothly; and to learn about the number of visitors to our site and the types of technology they use.  We also use this information to improve the content of the site. We do not track or record information about individuals except in the situation explained in the next paragraph. 

If You Email Us

If you choose to send us personal information by emailing us, we use the information to respond to your message and for no other purpose.  We do not create individual profiles with the information you provide or give it to other public or private organizations for commercial purposes. If you send us a threat or a message that describes or promotes unlawful activity, we will share it with law enforcement. 

Online Court Records

Iowa Courts Online© represents the public portions of the official court docket of the Iowa Judicial Branch.  Most of the information in the court docket is public record, as defined and governed by Chapter 22 of the Code of Iowa and other laws. Chapter 22 and other state laws and federal laws govern the types of government information and records that are to be kept confidential.  

Online Court Records—Corrections

Information in the court docket, including the information presented on Iowa Courts Online©, cannot be changed without a court order.  If you believe information in the docket is inaccurate or is required by law to be confidential, you should contact the appropriate clerk of court office.  For correction of district court information, you must contact the clerk of district court office in the county where the case was filed.  If an error exists, the clerk will bring the matter to the attention of a judge. 

Links to Other Websites

This website contains links to other websites. The Iowa Judicial Branch is not responsible for the practices or contents of these websites. 

© 2025 Iowa JNC. All rights reserved.